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Latin American Airport App Makes Travel Easy

Natasha Singh | March 27, 2019

You know that feeling when you enter a new airport and need to stand still to get your bearings? Certainly, this moment of disorientation falls under the category of First World Problems, but nevertheless, it’s real.

Beyond those few frozen seconds of figuring out where you are and where you need to go, there are so many ways the passenger experience can be improved.

We don’t want to brag, but… we figured out a simple solution. And to no one’s surprise, it comes in the form of a mobile app.


Blue Label Labs was recently featured on Visual Objects for our design and development of Bogotá’s El Dorado Airport app.

Building this app tested our team’s ability to work fast and efficiently, without sacrificing quality and innovative design, and we are proud to say we did so thanks to our tested and successful methodology. As a result of our prototyping and validation effort at the beginning of each client relationship, we shorten the time from conception to validation while reducing risk and heightening the understanding of features and priorities that truly matter.

In acquiring this particular client, we were a lifeboat coming to the rescue of a ship taking on water. After months of working with a local app development team and struggling to overcome many technical and design challenges, the airport contacted Blue Label Labs to take over the process. The time left to design, build and get the app on the market: eight weeks.

Focusing on the primary needs of anyone stepping in or out of the airport, we created the app to assist travelers with navigation, flight-tracking, as well as a directory of the many services offered within the second busiest airport in Latin America in terms of aircraft movements.

As a facility that annually serves 31,000,000 passengers, the El Dorado airport needed a reliable, easy-to-use app that would streamline the many moving pieces of such a large and complicated facility.

The digital product we developed gives users easy access to a flight’s status using a simple swipe-to-reveal slide out menu. In order to keep travelers informed in real time, our team – with the help of local airport authorities – connected the El Dorado app to a live feed of flight data directly from the airport’s internal systems. This approach kept users as instantaneously briefed on arrivals, departures, cancellations, and delays as an air traffic controller.

We also worked closely with the airport to decide on the right color schemes for the app. Together we landed on a blue-yellow theme that is both visually gentle on bleary-eyed travelers as well as evocative of the Columbian national identity.

In order to allow travelers turn-by-turn navigation throughout the massive airport, we teamed up with MapsPeople to leverage cutting-edge Bluetooth iBeacon navigation integrated with custom mapping and built it directly into the iOS and Android apps. Users are able, with a single tap, to pinpoint their position within the airport down to a 10-meter radius and are provided with turn-by-turn directions to the desired gate or vendor.

As always, we are proud of our extraordinarily talented and dedicated team. Not just for meeting our client’s needs, but for creating an app that airports all over the world will look at with envious eyes and no doubt want to replicate. And as far as the eight-week deadline, we completed it with two weeks to spare. And if you were wondering, despite our earlier assertion yes, we do mean to brag.

Natasha Singh
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Senior iOS Developer at Blue Label Labs

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